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Vanessa grew up in Lower Coverdale, NB and graduated with a BSc in Psychology and...

Angela grew up in scenic Enmore PEI. She graduated from Dalhousie with a BSc in...

Lisa Pike has been the CEO of the Atlantic Physiotherapy Association ( PEI, NB and...

Sheila originally hails from British Columbia and has lived in PEI since 2007. She completed...

Amy Irving grew up in beautiful O’Leary, PEI. She completed her BSc Kin at the...

Shelley Mokler-Clark attended the University of PEI for her BSc. in Biology in 1992 and...

Emily Townshend, who comes to us from Souris, PEI, completed her Kinesiology degree at UPEI...

Jenna Jo McDonald is a native to Kelly’s Cross, PEI and attended UPEI where she...

Harrison McIver grew up in Kinkora, PEI and graduated with a BSc. from UPEI in...